julie 2nd March 2011

hi ya darl,well your 47 carl lol Edarl i love you so much and miss you like crazy your my world but your not in it i need you so much carl its eating away at me,it gets harder n harder every day since the day i lost you darl somethings happened to drag me further n further down,i havent even had a chance to sort my head out and sort out whats best for me,because something or someone always seems to jump on your case when your already down n the dumps its just problem after problem,n i cont sort me own main problem witch is to sort out what i do to live on without you,together we fought everything and won but now am so alone with out you av got no fight leftin me.am sure the kids think i should be used to it by now but they dont relize i dont want to live without you or had the chance to be problem free n have a good think of how i could live without you,i dont no what am sopose to do in this life anymore cause i havent got one,any way am off now i just wanted you to no no matter what happens around here i will NEVER stop loveing you or wanting to be with you i LOVE,MISS N NEED YOU LOADS carl, ME AND YOU 4EVEA N ALWAYS DARL,n dont you 4get it coz i wont I PROMISE YOU,LL ALWAYS HAVE MY HEARTXXXXX