julie 13th December 2009

hi darl just thought id let you no demis party went ok there was only lacey turned up n cj of course it shan if you ask me but me carl claire tammy n gemma was there the bairn loved it though darl shes a little belta she no,s you aswell darl we,v all made sure of thatxx amiss you loads darl we all do but darl my own life ended the second i lost you a new right then my life was fucked me live with out you is the same as you liven with out me it cont be done darl it,s still so unreal ajust cont c a future with out you i dont no wot to do any more o wot am soposed to do i just want to lie down in die darl i need to be with you carlxxx darl am going coz am getting upset just remember to wait 4 me darl dont you ever 4get me coz i will be with you again darl theres got to be sum mad reson why this happened and once we find out why we,ll be together again coz then it,ll me my turn in you come for me darl so dont ever 4get me i,ll be devourstated if your not there to me me darl ilove miss and need you so so much nitenite darl sweetdreamsxxx