julie 1st January 2014

Well darl another year with out you and it just keeps getting hard,but the good news is its a nother step towards it being my time for you to come for me to be together again,i think that every day that gose bye day n think it with a smile on my face.me n kyle had a drink for you last night n had a trip down memory lane we all miss you so so much carl it hurts xx all the love in this world to you in the next world from me,carl lea faith xx kyle kerry demi n chanelle xx cj shane n kan we love n miss you loads darl xxx I LOVE,MISS,NEED AND WANT YOU SO MUCH DARL FEEL FREE TO COME HOME ANY TIME DAY OR NIGHT I,LL BE WAITING X ME N YOU 4EVEA N ALWAYS DARL....WE PROMISED T.L.N.D YOU + ME=US...N...US= 1...4ALWAYS DARL T.D.D.U.P. AND BEYOND XXXX