KYLE JAMES..X 6 11 1988

Created by julie 14 years ago
pregnant with kyle wasnt so funny was it darl you were waiting for your trial date for the newyear carryone all the through a said a,ll be okay on me own man a done the other too with pure pain so were 3rd should be easyier but we both new it could be years you,d get this time not month but neither of us wanted to worry the other so we both said we,d deal with what ever when the time came we new as long as we helped and stayed together we would cope with the out come thats how we survived all the shit this shitty life through at us as long as we stuck by each other right o wrong because we love each other that much we won every time because we never let any thing o anybody break our bond and they never did did they darl thats how strong our love 4 each other was.And thats wot we done just got on with it your date came through you were on a 3week trial you had to go to crown court[only on ponteland road]surrender 9.oclock every morning spend dinner tin in the cells with john n your da then the day was finished you had 2 wait in cell till the eagalstones left and were out of site a was at the court with you every day me getting bigger n bigger a still went on as normal but you new a wasnt as hard as a made out haha you kept doing me head in asking if a was ok a had to say yes cause there wasnt much we cud do about it but get on with itEvery single wittness blamed you for every thing which even made the judge surspishes then finaly he said before we go and further i order this court that no more charges r to be added to mr carl harrison charges haha a couple didnt even no which 1 was you and which one was john it was you who got on that so when your john broke his leg on his motor bike n had a couple of days in hospital you asked me to tip every ones hair yours johns craigs and marks so when you,s went back n court you,s prejuiced craig and mark to show the judge that most of them didnt no who was who in court so how could they no who was who in the dark haha it worked aswell and i was laughing BUT then you divvy stood up and took the blame for loading the gun i walked out the court coz i new for afact you didnt and a told you you put him before are baby coz it would decide weather you were at the birth but then you reminded me of what the judge said it made wot you said a bit easyier but to this day a still dant think you should of done it.Anyway the rejuiced your das sentance from 10year 2 4year you got 18month n john got 9month you done your da afavour but i was gutted because you getting 18month meet you missed the birth and you,d be away for christmasxxxOn bonefire night awas sick of waiting so adrunk acup of casteroyal ooo that first pain was a killer when awas in fully blown labour a rang tammy 2 get her too watch claire n carl and a phoned a ambulance when i got in it by meself oooooo a called you some funny old names all the way there right up untill ahad him The good part was to come since we didnt no what we were haven we didnt pick any names and with you not being there he had to be registered so i had 2get forms,fill them in and send them to you you and the govenor had too sign them with you being in jail and us not being married i had 2 have your permision to put im in harrison but a had to pick his name ha which was KYLE JAMES james being after you you wrote saying kyle the tyle but you agreed it was anice name.You told me later you shit your self coz they sent the preist to tell you.Remember when you got a home leave the first time at home with kyle darl you put him outside in his baby walker in he got stuck in the path n he tipped me poor bairn had a hugh pump on his head i was shouting and balling at you haha.Then the next time you said you had a job interveiw for a job when you got out n jimmy mc sent the interveiw letter in to you a was surprized ypu got out for the day but you did kyle was walking by then and we were sitting on back doorstep just watching him play a only went in to get a tab when a come out you had found a hedgehog and had it on a spade n you were going to give kyle it to play with you idiot a was shouting at you you got rid of it but i was shouting,you were laughing,and poor kyle was screaming 4 his new toy he thought it was really to play with haha even i was laughing at that but we werent laughing a hour latter when you had to go back but we both new it was 4 the best coz you only had a couple of weeks left then it was overxxxIN YES DARL WE WON AGAIN STILL VERY HAPPY IN LOVEXXAND A STILL AM DARL ALOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CUD EXPLAIN ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILLXXX