Created by julie 11 years ago
Darl,i love you loads darl,the pain just dosnt go away,i miss you so much it heart is shattered,carl n the only way it can be fixed is when were back together darl.your on my mind 24/7 i really need you,im so alone darl,poor kyle n kerry must be sick of me,he,s been great the bairn darl,i told you years ago me n kyle were so close and even to date darl we are he,s looked after his mam darl kerry aswell every one probley thought it would of been carl,but its kyle,carl works hard i know that and he likes to spend time with faith,i understand that but i wish he,d remember me abit more i dont see im much carl,where kyle makes sure i see im every day sometimes i stay in bed but he makes sure he texts n speaks to me on face book,evey single day he,s there darl,you,d be so broud of him.yes he still drinks n gose on his walk abouts n dose silly things when hes drunk,but what most dont see is the lovely kyle OUR kyle i serpose we have to be blamed for that well mostly me haha with you not being there when i had im from the first second he was born me n him had a brilliant bond,you were even jelouse of what me n him had haha n i told you a few times n you used to laugh haha or when i wouldend iron your cloths u,d say nar but if kyle come n asked you do it straight away haha mado i do love kyle darl n even then i told you its a diffrent kind of love you soon relized that,still didnt stop you nagging though.i love you soso much darl i still cont haddle the thought of us being ripped apart like this we were so much in love with each othere after all the years we shared,its so crule we were so happy and now am so alone n hate life with out you carlxxx ME N YOU 4ALWAYS N EVEA DARLxxxxxWE PROMISEDxxxxx